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The Gospel Contagion 
There is a tendency to individualize the Christian walk. A notion that Christ is one’s “personal” Savior may become prevalent. While He is their personal Savior, He never meant for them...
Interconnection and Interaction Within God's Spiritual and Physical Creation 
In the introduction of Ecologies of Faith in a Digital Age, the Lowe and Lowe state that “In God’s ecology, individual things and people do not grow alone.”1  This is true, both in the physical world as...
Reviled, Yet Did Not Revile
Jesus Christ came to this earth and He truly humbled Himself by taking on the form of man.  He, who knew no sin, took on our sin that we may have everlasting life.   Think about this; the Almighty...
Back to the Basics: Keys to Spiritual Formation-Part 2
Growth leads to connection. Paul tells us in Romans Chapter Twelve, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and...
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