Back to the Basics: Keys to Spiritual Formation-Part 1


True Spiritual formation should transform us into the image of Christ. The more we are transformed into His image, the less conformity we have to the world. This does not happen automatically; it is a process.   

In Second Corinthians Paul states, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18) .”

Before we continue in this vein, we must first turn back to the Book of Genesis for the root of the problem.

In the Beginning…

After the first sin, a great chasm was fixed between man and God. Adam and Eve were created in His image, however, sin entered the world and that image was marred.  Sin entered the world and caused spiritual death. Humankind now needed redemption to restore the image.

God gave His people the ten commandments and, in addition, created a system whereby His people could offer sacrifice for the atonement of their sin. Israel found out repeatedly that they did not possess the wherewithal to fully follow the law. It was too difficult.

They needed a Savior to bridge that great divide. They needed a Savior to restore the image.

After much struggle, God provided the final sacrifice.

God’s Eternal Remedy

Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried, and then resurrected. He became the final sacrifice that would atone for the sins of all who believe in Him. He came to the world, not to condemn it, but that it might be saved through Him (John 3:17). He then left us The Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, to help us through this life (Acts 1:8).

That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead would now dwell in us, giving us life and liberty (Romans 8:11). It is by His Spirit that we are being sanctified and by His Spirit that we are being transformed into the image of Christ.

We are now part of the body of Christ. We are in Him and He is in us, through His Spirit. In John Chapter 15, Jesus paints a beautiful picture describing our newfound relationship with Him.

We are branches attached to the one true vine. We have been grafted into the vine. We now, through the Spirit, abide in the Vine.

There are many branches, but only one Vine.

Connections Provide Growth

In Ecologies of Faith in a Digital Age, it states that “Our connection to Jesus, which he likened to vine and branches growing in a vineyard, makes possible our connections to other Christians. These spiritual connections serve as interactive conduits for the exchange of spiritual nutrients and resources that lead to mutual growth and maturity.”

Wow!  Not only are we connected to Him, but we are connected to all the other branches that are abiding in the one vine. 

As believers, we are connected first to Christ and then to one another. As Christ provides us with spiritual nutrients for growth and maturity, we, in turn, become “conduits” to pass on these nutrients to our fellow branches.

Stay tuned for the “key” to our spiritual growth!

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